Tuesday 207: New At Every Moment

New At Every Moment / 4" x 4" / 2018
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

But of all the water's secrets, he saw today only a single one -- one that struck his soul. He saw that this water flowed and flowed, it was constantly flowing, and yet it was always there; it was always eternally the same and yet new at every moment! Oh, to be able to grasp this, to understand this!

- Herman Hesse, Siddhartha



207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Spring Salmon, Grand Lake Stream

Land-locked salmon have been swimming in the waters of Grand Lake Stream since the last ice age. It is home to one of the four native pools of land-locked salmon in the United States. 

- from Fly Fishers Guide To New England


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Thank you!


What a fantastic turn out at the opening of my two-person show with Thomas McDonald during Bend's First Friday Art Walk! Hands-down it was the most enthusiastic and energetic art event I've had the pleasure of attending! Many thanks to Ken Roth of Peterson Roth Gallery and to all the art lovers in Bend!

While out west, Jonathan and I also made time to fish and explore in both new locations (Upper Owens River in the Eastern Sierras, below right) and old favorites (Steelhead Falls on the Deschutes River, below left).


Tuesday 207: Winter Warm Up

Winter Warm Up / 4" x 4" / 2018
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

Many thanks to Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors for featuring Jonathan's words and my paintings in their January/February issue! "The Joy of Pond Hockey" was originally published on The Maine and begins like this:

Every winter The Carpenter's Boat Shop sets up a hockey rink on a small pond in New Harbor. Built with 2x6s screwed into a 2x4 base, the height of the rink is just enough to keep the puck in and the snow out. Still, it’s a lot of work trying to maintain an outdoor rink all winter. At the end of every snowstorm we put on our skates and shovel the ice with the same care and precision we use to build boats....

Continue reading here


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Set The Trap

Finding live bait on New Year's Day was easier than we thought. Pushaw’s Trading Post in Hope sold us twelve night crawlers and gave us directions to a man named Charlie who lived a few miles down the road and has been selling bait since he was four years old. He had three large tanks in his garage with live shiners separated by size: small, medium, and large. We paid four dollars for a dozen fish that were between two and three inches in length. I held the bucket in my lap as we drove back to Camden, watching the small fish swim around in their new home. After putting on warmer clothes and grabbing our fishing gear, we drove to the cove between Codman Island and the old fish hatchery on Megunticook Lake. Jessica’s brother, Tim, had a vintage spoon blade ice auger that kept us warm as we drilled five holes out by hand. At -5 degrees and with a strong wind blowing down the lake, our sweat quickly turned to ice as we set the first trap of the day on the first day of the year.

text by Jonathan Ives


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Now Showing In Bend!

I'm pleased to announce that my paintings will now be represented by Peterson Roth Gallery in Bend, Oregon! I'm simply thrilled to be joining Ken Roth and all the artists at Bend's foremost contemporary art gallery. Just last week I shipped five new paintings west (go west, young paintings!) and these five will be joined by another dozen for the two-person show I'll have there in April with Thomas McDonald. Visit Peterson Roth in person or on the web to find out more. I've also added a page here on my site so you can quickly preview their current inventory.


Tuesday 207: Cathedral Trail

Cathedral Trail / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

The Cathedral Trail is the shortest way to reach the top of Mount Katahdin from Chimney Pond. Hikers follow blue blazes up granite boulders as big as cars. Scrambling up the one and half mile trail with hands and feet, their movement more closely resembles rock climbing than hiking. The 2,350 foot assent follows three large rock buttresses towering out of the Great Basin below, granting views all the way down to the small, pristine tarn from where the trail began.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.


What stirs awe and wonder in people today is a sense of belonging and of participation in the great cycles of Nature, an awareness of oneness with life that does not shrink in terror from life’s natural completion in death. What inspires them is not the hope of a final separation from the realities of nature, life history and time, but a conscious and delighted participation in these realities — not the promise of salvation, but the reality of the homecoming.
— John Michael Greer
painting by Jessica Ives.JPG

Tuesday 207: Magalloway

Magalloway / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

Fall fishing at its finest.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Swimmer At The Surface

Swimmer At The Surface / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

The water is warm, the air is cool. Reflections of foliage across the surface help us imagine the pond is a colorful, cozy quilt that surrounds us as we swim. With barely an eye, a nose, a corner of mouth, we peek out from under our cover for a glimpse and a breath, quickly retreating back to the warmth of the water. This will be the last swim of the season.

Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.
-- Henry David Thoreau


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Clarity

Clarity / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

After Jordan Pond in Acadia, Pleasant Pond in Caratunk has the highest underwater visibility of any lake in Maine. Swimming in waters with 40 feet of clarity was our reward after a three hour pond-pilgrimage from Mid-coast Maine.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Bring Life To It

Endeavoring to open eyes, [Josef] Albers created narratives, metaphors, and myths to help his students see what was before them, and that pointed the way to a reality far beyond the facts. Fact: Lines, shapes, and colors are set down on paper. Myth: The lines breath, the shapes dance, the colors sing together. ‘The aim of life,’ Albers wrote, ‘is living creatures. The aim of art is living creations.’ That creations were not creatures made them no less real. The concern of the artist and the poet was not objective reality, but the experience of the reality. To transform fact into myth is to get at how things are experienced. By restoring the miraculous to the real, Albers sought to work magic on his students as well, to refine them — an alchemist turning lead into gold.
— from Josef Albers: To Open Eyes

Main Sunday Telegram Cover Feature!

I am so grateful to Bob Keyes of the Portland Press Herald for his story on my work and upcoming solo show at Courthouse Gallery Fine Art. It is always my great pleasure to be interviewed by Bob. For the second time now, his writing about my work has helped me to see elements in it that I had overlooked, connections that are there but that I needed a little nudge to consider.

You can read the article online here.

In these oil-on-panel paintings, Ives shows bodies in the water, swimming, jumping and playing. She paints from the perspective of the water’s surface, below the surface and looking down from above. These are masterful works because of her handling of bodies in motion and the fluidity of the water. We see bone structures and muscles that feel sculptural, water bubbles exploding from a swimmer’s plunge and the sun playing tricks on the rippling surface.
— Bob Keyes

Tuesday 207: South Facing

South Facing / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

There are twelve miles of hiking trails on Monhegan. All summer long visitors try to see as much of the island as possible by traversing it at an often furious pace. A few weeks ago Jonathan and I tried to circumnavigate the island and still make it back to the ferry on time. While walking back down the hill to the harbor just moments before our departure I noticed two women sitting on adirondack chairs, looking south to the horizon between Monhegan and Manana. Weren't these the same two I saw when we started our trek earlier in the morning? They weren't talking, just relaxing and taking it all in, the warm sun soaking into their faces. They were a nice reminder that we all have different ways to spend a summer day on an island, and that truly seeing and experiencing a place isn't something measured in numbers. 


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Shadow Of The Bridge

The Palermo Fish Hatchery sits along the banks of the Sheepscott River.  Inside its buildings, small brown and brook trout are raised to be released in various lakes and rivers around Maine in the spring and fall when water temperatures are still cool. The fish raised here will never have a chance to swim in the river just outside the walls of the place where they're raised because this portion of the Sheepscott River is now a natural reproduction area for wild fish. The catch and release rule along this this stretch of water has led to healthy populations of fish for the last seven years. 

Most of the fish caught along the Upper Sheepscott are small brook trout between 5 and 7 inches. Despite their size they fight like a swordfish as you reel them in. In a deep pool just below the bridge to the fish hatchery, however, large brown trout lie deep in the shadows. With the right fly and the perfect cast, you might be lucky enough to hold something wild before letting it slip back into the darkness.

text, photo, and fish by Jonathan Ives


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.