Tuesday 207: New At Every Moment

New At Every Moment / 4" x 4" / 2018
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

But of all the water's secrets, he saw today only a single one -- one that struck his soul. He saw that this water flowed and flowed, it was constantly flowing, and yet it was always there; it was always eternally the same and yet new at every moment! Oh, to be able to grasp this, to understand this!

- Herman Hesse, Siddhartha



207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Spring Salmon, Grand Lake Stream

Land-locked salmon have been swimming in the waters of Grand Lake Stream since the last ice age. It is home to one of the four native pools of land-locked salmon in the United States. 

- from Fly Fishers Guide To New England


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Cathedral Trail

Cathedral Trail / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

The Cathedral Trail is the shortest way to reach the top of Mount Katahdin from Chimney Pond. Hikers follow blue blazes up granite boulders as big as cars. Scrambling up the one and half mile trail with hands and feet, their movement more closely resembles rock climbing than hiking. The 2,350 foot assent follows three large rock buttresses towering out of the Great Basin below, granting views all the way down to the small, pristine tarn from where the trail began.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Swimmer At The Surface

Swimmer At The Surface / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

The water is warm, the air is cool. Reflections of foliage across the surface help us imagine the pond is a colorful, cozy quilt that surrounds us as we swim. With barely an eye, a nose, a corner of mouth, we peek out from under our cover for a glimpse and a breath, quickly retreating back to the warmth of the water. This will be the last swim of the season.

Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.
-- Henry David Thoreau


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Shadow Of The Bridge

The Palermo Fish Hatchery sits along the banks of the Sheepscott River.  Inside its buildings, small brown and brook trout are raised to be released in various lakes and rivers around Maine in the spring and fall when water temperatures are still cool. The fish raised here will never have a chance to swim in the river just outside the walls of the place where they're raised because this portion of the Sheepscott River is now a natural reproduction area for wild fish. The catch and release rule along this this stretch of water has led to healthy populations of fish for the last seven years. 

Most of the fish caught along the Upper Sheepscott are small brook trout between 5 and 7 inches. Despite their size they fight like a swordfish as you reel them in. In a deep pool just below the bridge to the fish hatchery, however, large brown trout lie deep in the shadows. With the right fly and the perfect cast, you might be lucky enough to hold something wild before letting it slip back into the darkness.

text, photo, and fish by Jonathan Ives


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Wading For Spring

Wading For Spring / 4" x 4" / 2017

Now available through Courthouse Gallery Fine Art

The Sheepscot River is one of eight rivers in Maine that have Atlantic Salmon. These fish need the river’s clean gravel bottom to lay their eggs, and its rapids to aerate the water for their young. Because October is the month that these fish spawn, the Sheepscot and other rivers or streams with wild Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon are closed to fishing after September. This prevents fisherman from accidentally crushing eggs as they wade through the river.

Smolt are the young, six-inch salmon that swim from these Maine rivers all the way to Northern Greenland, two thousand miles away! Over the course of two to three years these fish will wait in the Northern Atlantic Ocean growing in size up to ten and fifteen pounds. Then they will migrate back to the same river where they were once a small egg and begin the cycle again. If these fish can wait three years to return to the Sheepscot then surely we can wait until April, when fishing season opens and we can wade into the waters once again. 

text by Jonathan Ives


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Two Thin Blades

Two Thin Blades / 4" x 4" / 2017
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

There’s always that first step in skating, from dry ground to slick ice, when it just seems impossible. Impossible that two thin blades of metal will support you, impossible that because its molecules have begun to dance a little slower water will hold you up.

Carol Goodman


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Run Before The Wind

Run Before The Wind /

4" x 4" / 2016

Now available through Glesason Fine Art

Jonathan writes about sailing with his dad, Bobby Ives: This painting is from a day that Jessica and I went sailing with my dad and his wife Phyllis on the 26 foot Pierson they keep in Pemaquid Harbor. We sailed around John's Bay and anchored off the northern side of Thrumcap Island, where the thread of life ledges blocked the winds and waves so we could eat a picnic. As we ate, I was distracted by the white caps that were building and recommended we get going. Jess is new to sailing and feels nervous when the boat really lists over. By the time we weighed anchor the winds and waves, which were from the southwest, had built up and it was a bit hairy running with the wind back into the harbor. Steering a straight course with a large following sea takes serious concentration to prevent an accidental jib. The mainsail would luff from time to time and we all waited for the boom to swing across, like a batter swinging for the ball.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on a 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Walking Water

A human being is a container invented by water so it can walk around.

- from Job’s Body

Popham Colony was a short-lived English settlement founded the same year as the Jamestown Colony in Virginia. Over the course of its first and only year of existence in 1607 and 1608, settlers built the Virginia of Sagadahoc, the first English-built oceangoing vessel in the New World.

When Jonathan and I were at Popham Beach last summer we played in the waters at the mouth of the Kennebec River. This was the river by which Popham's settlers explored the land that would become Maine, seeking communication and trade with the Abenaki who lived along its banks. Later colonists to the area, building on the experience of the original Popham Colony, settled further up this river at the site of present-day Bath where winter storms and tides were not as severe. Bath, of course, became a renowned shipbuilding capitol; in the mid-19th century it was the fifth largest port in America and sent clipper ships criss-crossing across the waters of the world.

In the fall, after our late August swim at Popham Beach, Jonathan and I fished the headwaters of the Kennebec, the "long quiet waters" of the Abenaki. We waded in and walked the waters, just as we had at the beach.

Water is how we move in the world. It shapes our stories, our experiences, our histories. Rivers and oceans move us. Our ships, our paintings, and our bodies are all vessels.



207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Benchwarmers

Benchwarmers / 4" x 4" / 2016
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

Who would ever want to get back in the game and leave Monhegan Island when you (or two) can sit on the bench and enjoy such a view?


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Year Round

It's 120 miles from Popham Beach to Moosehead Lake as the crow flies. The Kennebec River, however, is not a crow. Nor is it all "long quiet waters" as the translation of its Abenaki name or as its placid appearance from Augusta oceanward would have us believe. As Maine was settled by Europeans, nine dams and miles of rapids and riffles were created between Moosehead Lake and Augusta. The East Outlet, the first three-mile stretch of water after the dam at the river's source, is managed for fly fishing year round and offers some of the best landlocked salmon and brook trout fishing in the state. When we fished there in November we were sure to wear our blaze orange.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: The Apple Chapel

One of my favorite places in the world is Hope Orchards.  A few years back I almost bought a piece of land right across the street from the orchard. Recently, when my brother flew home to enjoy a long, fall weekend in Maine, we visited the orchard and spent an afternoon picking from the rows and rows of Macouns, Cortlands, and Northern Spies. The late afternoon light was magic. Soft and blindingly sparkling at the same time. The form of my brother, his hat tipped back, apple in hand, dappled in and out of solid appearance. The checks of his plaid shirt chased off into the leaves of the trees at times, while the features of his face played hid and seek with the back-light. Only by his ears could I tell he was really and truly there, standing before me.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Decisive

Decisive / 4" x 4" / 2015

Now available through Glesason Fine Art

Streams running, air crisping, lines looping.
Leaves starting to change, light more direct.
A fisherman selects from his fly box and I from my palette.
By rod and by brush, we both make a cast to see what’s below the surface.


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: About Life

About Life / 4" x 4" / 2015

Now available through Courthouse Gallery Fine Art

I am unable to distinguish between the feeling I have about life and the way I translate it.
Henri Matisse

Do. Be. Do. Be. Do.
Frank Sinatra


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Putt-Putt Par

Putt-Putt / 4" x 4" / 2015

Now available through Glesason Fine Art

Par / 4" x 4" / 2015

Now available through Glesason Fine Art

I needed to have a little fun with the 207 feature this week so I joined Jonathan for a late summer round of nine holes. Not eighteen. Just nine. It's been a jam-packed season and there's no more need to overachieve. It's time to slow down to the putt-putt speed of a golf-cart, to stop keeping score, and to admit that the evening light will be the only player to beat par.

Golf is so popular simply because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad.  --A.A. Milne

I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone's golf game: it's called an eraser. --Arnold Palmer

If a lot of people gripped a knife and fork the way they do a golf club, they'd starve to death.  --Sam Snead

The reason the pro tells you to keep your head down is so you can't see him laughing.  --Phyllis Diller


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Watch Your Step

Series of three "Watch Your Step" paintings
Sale Price: $500.00 Original Price: $900.00

Three dips are better than one. The frigid waters of Frenchman's Hole renew the spirit again and again.

Three paintings are also better than one. Sign up for my occasional newsletter here and receive an email with a special offer to buy all three Watch Your Step paintings for $500. 


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.

Tuesday 207: Illumintide

Illumintide / 4" x 4" / 2015

Now available through Glesason Fine Art

Without the sea, Acadia would be like a gem without a setting. Each headland, bay, and inlet reveals the majestic interface between sea and land.... The sea destroys and displaces, but it also builds. What the sea takes from one point on the coast may be added to another. With the irresistible energy of hammer blows, waves dislodge rock particles, smooth them, and deposit them at the head of nearly every cove. In still other places, the dispossessed stones and cobbles become gravel bars and shoals. Bar Harbor was named for just such a bar, which connects it to Bar Island. 

Because the coast is [geologically] young, sandy shores are rare. But at Sand Beach, shore currents have shifted the tons of sand that the sea eroded from the rocks. Mixed into the sand are broken bits of shells and the skeletons of crabs, mussels, sea urchins, and other marine life. 

[A] story that began with sediments piled on the floor of a primordial sea closes for the moment with those washed ashore at Sand Beach. But in reality there is no beginning and no ending. Rock becomes sand, and sand becomes rock. The granite of Cadillac Mountain, the cobbles at Hunters Cove, even a pinch of grit at Sand Beach bears evidence of this endless cycle. For indelibly written on the landscape, in bold stokes or fine scratches, is a script that tells the astonishing story of mountain ranges that rose and fell, of ice that sealed in a continent, and of coastlines that emerged and vanished. Source


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.