Tuesday 207: Looking & Feeling

Feeling For It / 4" x 4" / 2016
Sale Price: $207.00 Original Price: $300.00

What makes treatment with water so unique is that it is always as available as the nearest running water. Moreover, water therapy is painless, and hundreds of different health problems can be treated immediately, naturally, and at little or no cost. Water therapy can stop a cold before it starts, help overcome a sore throat, generate energy, relieve pain, vanquish nervousness, help induce sleep, awaken a fogged brain, reestablish internal good health, and even help us to feel sexier; in short, it can restore and tone the body. Water therapy creates circulation and overcomes sluggishness; it also unblocks an energy barrier so that the body can function in a freer and normal fashion. By acting to detoxify -- that is, to rid the body of any accumulated poisons or toxins that may be the start of disease, or linger after a disease -- water therapy increases our body's natural defense mechanisms.

--Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D. in The Complete Book Of Water Healing


207 Paintings post everyish Tuesday around 5:30am EST on both The Maine  and jessicaleeives.com. Save thirty percent on any 4x4 inch oil on panel painting by making your purchase within the first week of its posting. Instead of $300 pay just $207, a number which just happens to be the Maine state area code.

Tuesday 207 Paintings are exclusive to The Maine. They depict the land, the light and the people that make this state a state of wonder. Jessica is editor of The Maine and writes occasionally as The Outsider.