A Final Challenge At The Farnsworth

The color theory class I taught at the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland wrapped up a couple weeks ago. As a final challenge participants had to select a painting and reproduce it in all its painterly-ness using only Color Aid paper. During our seven weeks together we accumulated experience observing and articulating the color effects of simultaneous contrast, quantity, vibration, and transparency -- and then this experience was put to the test. Reproducing paint with paper is a meticulous process and demands a discerning eye to precisely identify spots of color and their relationships. Here are some shots of the reproduction process:

Fifteen years ago I completed my first course in color theory with the same challenge. I chose David Park's Four Men and spent a good twelve hours on my final piece -- despite editing my composition down and only including three men. Holy carpel tunnel from cutting tiny pieces of paper with an Xacto knife!

The Illusion Of Transparency

I've been teaching a 7-week color theory class at the Farnsworth Art Museum in Rockland. We recently experimented with creating the illusion of transparency (or optical mixture) by making studies of folding ribbons and overlapping shapes out of color aide paper. Have we successfully fooled you into thinking the opaque paper we work with is transparent?